Tempo To Ms

This is a Max For Live device that shows you the time in milliseconds for various notes at your song's current tempo.

You might use these values as a starting point for instruments or effects that are not tempo-synced.

It will always show values for the current tempo, even if you change or automate the tempo.

How it Looks


Download the newest .amxd file from the latest Release or clone this repository, and drag the TempoToMs.amxd device into a track in Ableton Live.


  • 2024-10-29 v6 - Add non-blocking telemetry ping on load. Does not send any identifying information, only the plugin name, the local computer name, type of computer, and CPU type. I just want to see which plugins are used the most.
  • 2024-09-12 v5 - Now works as an Audio device to put in more track types. Make the UI a lot more compact.
  • 2022-05-04 0.0.4 - Fix initial state bug that required the tempo to be changed once.
  • 2022-04-28 0.0.3 - More color refinements; Move to vexpr for list-based calcs.
  • 2022-04-27 0.0.2 - Improved fonts and colors.
  • 2022-04-27 0.0.1 - Initial version.


There is nothing to interact with or manipulate in the device. It will just show values based on the current song tempo.


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I'd love it if others extended this device. If you would like to contribute, simply fork this repo, make your changes, and open a pull request and I'll have a look.