
This is a sample-playback device with a focus on turntablism effects (scratching).

The Device

You can define up to 12 different scratch presets, then trigger them with the notes C1-B1.

Playing higher notes will play back a sample, relative to a Root Note that you can set.

So a typical way to use this device is to drop a sample on the sample drop area, then hold a note (e.g. C3) to play back a sample while triggering scratching by tapping scratch trigger notes (e.g. C1).

Thumbnail Image View an Overview Video


Download the newest .amxd file from the Releases page, or clone this repository and drag the ScratchBacker.amxd device into a track in Ableton Live.


  • 2024-11-13 v2 - Visual improvements, clean up implementation for Max divers.
  • 2024-11-11 v1 - Initial release.


  • Sample Drop - Drop a sample or clip.
  • Loop Start - Start point in the sample.
  • Loop End - End point of the sample loop.
  • Root Note - Base pitch of the dropped sample.
  • Duration - Global scale for scratch preset duration.
  • Amount - Global scale for scratch preset amount.
  • Auto Select - When engaged, will select the given scratch preset when it is triggered. Similar to the same function in Ableton Drum Racks that select a chain when a corresponding note is received.
  • Scratch Preset - Click one of the 12 preset slots to edit that slot. Change the function (change curves by holding Alt, remove points by Shift-clicking them), duration, or amount. Changes are automatically saved to the scratch preset slot.


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I'd love it if others extended this device. If you would like to contribute, simply fork this repo, make your changes, and open a pull request and I'll have a look.