Quantize MIDI

This plugin allows you to variably quantize MIDI notes in real time.

The Device

YouTube link with audio.

  • Rate - Controls the quantization interval.
  • Amount - How much to quantize each note.
  • Grace - Percent of the Rate interval to not quantize. This can be useful if you want to quantize only notes that are far from the grid.

NOTE: Because it is dealing with a MIDI data stream and not acting on the notes in a clip, it can only shift notes forward in time.


Download the newest .amxd file from the Changelog section below, or clone this repository and drag the Quantize Midi.amxd device into a track in Ableton Live.


  • 2024-10-29 v2 - Add non-blocking telemetry ping on load. Does not send any identifying information, only the plugin name, the local computer name, type of computer, and CPU type. I just want to see which plugins are used the most.
  • 2024-08-26 v1 - Initial Release


  • Visualization
  • ...


I'd love it if others extended this device. If you would like to contribute, simply fork this repo, make your changes, and open a pull request and I'll have a look.