
An arpeggiator inspired by moiré patterns.

Device Screenshot

This creates patterns that you can discover in seas of non-repetition. The device is all about moirés, audibly and visually.

Watch a video walkthrough and example performance of MoireArp in action.


Download the .amxd file from the newest release or clone this repository, and drag the Project/MoireArp.amxd device into a track in Ableton Live.


  • Notes - Controls how many different note lanes the device emits.
  • Start Steps - The number of steps in the base pattern.
  • Step Incr - How many steps to add to the base pattern for each note lane.
  • Step Len - The length of a step, in note values or milliseconds.
  • Note Dur - How long to hold each note, in terms of percentage of time until the next note.
  • Note Incr - For each note lane, how many semitones to increase over the previous lane, or scale degrees if Scale Awareness is on.
  • Scale Awareness - Toggles scale awareness. Depends on the global setting in the Live Set.

For instance, if MoireArp is set up with Notes at 3, Start Steps at 4, Step Incr at 2, Step Len at 1/16th note, Note Incr at 3 and you send it a C3, it will emit C3 quarter notes (4 times 1/16th), D#3 on dotted quarters (6 times 1/16th), and F#3 on half notes (8 times 1/16th).


  • 2024-12-17 v2 - Adds scale awareness. Thanks @callesjonell5943 from YouTube for the suggestion!
  • 2024-11-25 v1 - Initial release.


  • Add control over initial note behavior - first note only, all notes, strum (adjustable time), etc. Thanks Tobias for the suggestion!


I'd love it if others extended this device. If you would like to contribute, simply fork this repo, make your changes, and open a pull request and I'll have a look.