
If you are in a place without a WiFi network to join such as a venue or practice space, you can create an ad-hoc WiFi network on your computer that your iPad can join.

These instructions are Mac-specific. If you have a Windows machine and can contribute instructions, please let me know.

(originally from this post on Mac StackExchage.)

  1. Run the following commands, one-by-one in Terminal:

    sudo networksetup -createnetworkservice AdHoc lo0
    sudo networksetup -setmanual AdHoc
    sudo networksetup -setmanual AdHoc
  2. Configure sharing settings:

    • Open System Settings
    • Navigate to Sharing
    • Select Internet Sharing (i)
    • Set "Share connection from" to "AdHoc"
    • Set "To devices using" to "Wifi" Enablet WiFi
    • Configure the new WiFi network with a name, channel, and password WiFi Configuration
    • Ensure Internet Sharing is switched On Internet Sharing On
  3. Join the WiFi network you just created on your iPad Join the WiFi network

  4. Tap the (i) icon next to the WiFi connection on your iPad and note the iPad's IP address. In the screenshot below, it is Get the iPad's IP address

  5. Add Knobbler to your Live Set and manually fill in the iPad's IP address. Screenshot showing IP address of iPad

  6. Open the Knobbler app on the iPad and go to the Setup page. It should scan for and detect the device on the Mac. Connection Scan

  7. Select your Mac in the "Found These Knobblers" section. You should get a "Connection Successful!" message. Connection Success